Friday, December 27, 2013

Field trip to the Bankhead museum

The third grade at West Jasper Elementary took a trip to the Bankhead museum in Jasper. We learned of many respected men and women who were native to Jasper. The students were given a tour of the Bankhead home and were introduced to many facts about the men who served in our military over the years. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Multiplication!!! Multiplication!! Multiplication!

The students have made their own flash cards for certain facts and are in pairs practicing them in order to learn them fluently!!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Science research is cool!

This morning our students worked on research!!  We took our iPads and research different insects around the world. The students had to classify and sort the insects by look, size, what they eat, etc. The students loved looking up and discovering these tiny creepy crawlers!!

Creating our own Main ideas

Yesterday we used our iPads to create stories. As an extension of learning main idea, we divided into groups of 2 and 3 and came up with our own characters and settings and plot. We discussed the main idea and shared our stories to the whole class. The class as a whole then guessed the "main idea"!!

Multiplication is fun!!

We have began our unit on Multiplication... We are using manipulatives to work on grouping and using objects to represent multiplication sentences.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Concept maps

Third grade is using a concept map to gather facts about "desert meerkats"! 
Concept maps are a great graphic organizer to help maximize learning

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Gathering DATA!!

These students are taking a survey on "favorites"!! We are analyzing and interpreting data!!!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

First week of school....

Tomorrow is the 1st day of school and I cannot wait to see all those smiling faces!!!  Remember to bring in supplies and money to pay for school fees!! We are going to have an AWESOME school year!!
This week we will work on our procedures & routines and just getting to know each other. So come in ready to learn about 3rd grade!!!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Welcome Students and Parents.... Third Grade is AWESOME!!!